
Debunking Insurance Agent Job Myths

Scott Jones
Scott Jones
insurance agent

There are so many false ideas surrounding becoming and being an insurance agent. All too often, people assume it is super complicated, they wouldn’t be qualified, or feel as if it is too late to make a career change. If you are considering becoming an agent, know that those are common misconceptions about selling insurance. It is important to be aware of the main myths about becoming an insurance agent so you don’t let them stand in your way of an opportunity you are looking to explore.

Only Those with Insurance Backgrounds are Successful

So many insurance agents do not have a background in insurance sales, it really comes down to characteristics and qualities. You must be a quick learner and have a strong leadership spirit. Although prior experience in sales, business and/or marketing can help, having an entrepreneurial, self-motivated personality is what will take you far in this line of work. If you are willing to learn the ins and outs of the foundational elements and able to communicate effectively, you can be successful.

It is All About Sales

Contrary to popular belief, becoming an insurance agent is not all about sales. Hopefully you have interest in this industry because you want to help individuals protect what matters most to them. This can be a fulfilling and rewarding profession as you help those with your community safeguard their livelihoods and futures. Getting to know clients and learning about their needs to help them set goals and design a prediction plan that is right for them goes far beyond making sale quotas. The business is not just about selling programs, it is about making a difference in the lives of those around us by directly impacting their relationships, health, safety and so much more.

It’s a Desk Job

Another common misconception is that being an insurance agent means you will be sitting at a desk all day. It is actually a great opportunity for those who prefer to hit the ground running to build relationships. It is up to each agent how they structure their operations. You can view yourself as a field worker, going and making those one-on-one connections with current or potential clients. Agents get to be involved in their community, whether that be through volunteering or grassroots networking and truly showing up when needed most.

People Only Want to Purchase Insurance Online

There are many customers that prefer to work with local insurance agents as opposed to just going on insurance websites because agents can personalize plans and offer a level of service that they can’t get online. Yes, agents still network online and have their own websites, but there is nothing quite like being able to meet face-to-face. This also helps to foster a stronger client-agent relationship that is beneficial to both parties, as agents can do their jobs better so clients can get their unique needs met.

You Must Work Really Long Hours

Being an insurance agent is not a typical “9 to 5” job. Agents are expected to be there for their client when they’re needed most, which may be in the event of an emergency. This could be day or night. However, with that comes the freedom of owning your own business. Many agents enjoy the flexibility and ability to run their business how they wish. It is important to keep in mind that you never know what to expect on a day of being an insurance agent and being your own boss does come with risk, which is why D&O insurance is a must-have.

You’ll Be on Your Own

It is up to each agent to grow their network. However, you can join a team that offers the tools, support, and training to maximize success. Finding the right training and continued support will be helpful in this career path. Having a team by your side to assist you can be key to your success. Mentorship through initial client appointments will be vital to gaining practical skills necessary to tackle obstacles. You may even have a team manager that provides encouragement, tips, and advice to get the most out of your efforts.

About IPRO Agency Insurance Services

IPRO Agency Insurance Services is a specialty insurance brokerage with the expertise to protect your firm, assets and to help you retain clients.  Our services offer all types of professionals the protection they need so they can stay committed to their work with ease.  We are connected with leading insurers to bring you the best coverage for your unique needs and areas of risk. Get in touch with us at 888- 673-8039 so we can begin to safeguard your success.